Visit of the VSKF association members
It was a successful event!
BRILA-TINT AC 2K ink paste
Efficiency, quality and service – with the BRILA-TINT AC tinting system you have everything in your own hands
Eclatin relies on renewable energy
The Eclatin roof was extended with a new photovoltaic system
DS Hohentwiel
Renovation: February - April 2021
DS Hohentwiel shines in new splendor
Zaugg AG Eggiwil
with tailor-made, innovative and operationally reliable products from ZAUGG
Nouvelle Comédie Genva
Opening: February 2021
The Theater of the Future – la Nouvelle Comédie
MS DIAMANT (Shiptec AG Lucerne)
New construction: 2017
The exciting new event ship
Nullifire SC 803 1-K water-based steel fire protection coating
Cost-saving due to enormously efficient layer thicknesses